'When I started doing yoga with Marie, my back pain meant (among other things) that I couldn’t easily get up from the floor. I would have to roll over on to my side, then slowly climb my way up to a sitting, then standing position. After a couple of months, I had no problem getting up and my back pain had gone. In the mornings, I didn’t have the usual aches and pains and my body just felt so much better. When you’ve lived with back problems for years, you don’t realise how much you’ve limited your movement to compensate, so it’s wonderful to feel normal again. Marie’s a great teacher – she understands the human body and also the human mind. She encouraged me and directed me without ever making me feel pushed or uncomfortable. It’s important to practice alone too and I was motivated enough to do this, which was a tremendous surprise to me as someone who doesn’t like exercise and thought she couldn’t find the time! The lessons were simple and enjoyable but made a dramatic improvement to my overall health and wellbeing. I felt more centred; more relaxed. It’s one of the best things I’ve ever done and I definitely recommend it. '
Sia Israel

'Marie was great at working out an individual programme to support our sporting activities and our work related needs. It was very flexible, perfect for a busy and always changing lifestyle.' 
Helen Usher