A blog begins...

A blog begins....

I'm not one for blogging, I don't love social media but I also see what a huge support it can be and sometimes I read something that hits home and makes a difference in my perceptions and practice.  I'll try to offer a thread now and again that binds us together.  Here goes.....

Staycation- Surviving being with yourself.

It has been a stay-cation summer of puppies, fishing,  camping, cooking outside; it's brought a lot of joy.  And dog pooh.  Thoughts about my practice, with no work and travel, have been deafening.  Quietening my mind with daily writing about my practice and it's relationship to happiness as well as processing reading about the science of happiness has fueled me.

We have been renovating inside and outside the house, it's been filthy, it hasn't gone to plan and what I crave all year; escape and travel has not been possible.  There have been some days of illness and  fatigue.  My hormones are changing and how I respond to food and exercise is shifting and creating challenge.   Does it challenge happiness?   Yep.  In this self enforced stillness, staying,  witnessing of chaos, this being, I have had the opportunity to observe my own relationship with what makes me happy,  and what I 'think' makes me happy.  Well being- the cognitive and physical processes that get in the way, as well as simple practices that make a significant difference.  I am a developer, an adventurer and have a strong work ethic.  Whether that's about teaching yoga or making sourdough, I am busy. I have been able to do this because of my practice, my daily stillness, movement and breathing that counter-poses life. I've realised that happiness can often feel like it's at the tip of my tongue, just around the corner, at the next stop, when I'm done, finished, completely or achieved.  That I am busy practicing for happiness.   In the same way I remind myself on the mat that it is not a rehearsal for practice but this is THE practice.  Here and now, dukha or sukha, good space or bad space.  Happiness will not come from achievement or what I get done.  I'm not describing a profound set of achievements but feeling that peace will come when all the socks are paired.  Instead I am increasing space for being and restoring off the mat as well as on.  I always strive to create a life around my children that has both love, security and adventure.  That they come home to a warm environment and good food.  That life with my partner is sincere, loving and full of growth.  Waiting for things to become does not bring happiness.  What if we radically decided to embrace ourselves, our lives, the people in our lives as they are with a sense of gratitude and acceptance. (of course not those that abuse) What if our greatest rebellion would be to be content.  I value seeking pleasure, I value growth through challenge.  I will continue to keep a path of Kriya yoga, discipline in practice, self reflection and yoga being more than just practice on the mat.  But let the Niyama Santosha (contentment of life as it is) be the new hand stand in our practice.